BatHaxx Wii Exploit Tutorial

Bathaxx is an exploit found in the game LEGO Batman. The exploit was made by Team Twiizers & lewurm.


  • LEGO Batman
  • NON-SDHC SD Card formatted to FAT(32)
  • This package: download (mirror)


0. Play the LEGO Batman game at least once and back up the save file to a safe location.

Computer Part:

1. If there is a “Private” folder on your SD card, rename it to Privateold (or anything else).
2. Download the package above and place it in the root of the SD card (this means: not in any folder).

Wii Part:
3. On your Wii, go to the Saves management (Wii Button -> Data Management -> Save Data)

  • Remove the old LEGO Batman save on your Wii if it’s still there (you should have it backed up by now)
  • Copy the Bathaxx save file to your Wii console (there’s one for each region, you can copy them all, but you only need the one for the region of your LEGO Batman game).

4. Boot the LEGO Batman game.

    • In the game, load the save file.
    • You will be in the Batcave. Go to the bottom right and take the elevator upwards.
    • In the Hall, go up and take the door in the up left (going to Wayne Manor).
    • On the Character select screen you get, choose the character on the bottom row (to next-to-last character on the list).
    • The exploit will do its thing now.

Video Tutorial: