Smash Stack Wii Exploit Tutorial

Smash Stack is an exploit found by comex in (the NTSC-U version of) Super Smash Bros. Brawl. Unlike the other 2 game-based exploits (the Twilight hack and Indiana pwns), it does not use a modified save file to be executed. Instead, it is based on the SD card loading function from the Stage Builder.

Only for:
Region NTSC-U (it doesn’t work for other regions). Note that the game has to be NTSC-U, not the Wii.


  • SD card (Not SDHC) formatted as FAT32.
  • Super Smash Bros. Brawl (NTSC)
  • Some homebrew to load (e.g. the HackMii installer)


– Hackmii installer
– Smash Stack


Note: You must backup your custom stages (on the Wii memory) before doing the steps below. You can do this by moving all stages to the SD card in the Stage Builder.

Computer ———————-
1. Rename your private folder on the SD card to “privateold”.
2. Download the Smash Stack exploit and extract it to the root of the SD card.
3. Put the dol or elf file to run in the root of the SD card (usually the boot.elf of the Hackmii installer)

Wii ———————-
4. Load Super Smash Bros Brawl. In the main menu, go to the Vault, then choose Stage Builder. It should load automatically on this moment.

Video Tutorial